miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020

Verb patterns reading

I have always enjoyed ________________ (fish). When I was younger, I used to go _________ (fish) with my uncle on weekends. We loved ______________ (walk) out into the country and __________ (find) a quiet spot to sit down and spend the day. Now I try __________ (go) out at least once a month. Last summer I decided _________ (have) a trip to the Caribbean where I could ________ (do) some game fishing. I wanted ___________ (try) something different and expected _________ (enjoy) the experience very much. I thought it would be better ___________ (take) an organised trip, so I arranged this as soon as I arrived. My guide suggested _____________ (look) for some marlin and promised ___________ (find) the best place. The first day I went out was very warm. Soon we arrived in an area where the fish loved ___________ (swim) . Suddenly a marlin jumped out of the water. It was huge. My guide decided __________ (follow) it and I didn’t mind ____________ (let) him (make) this decision. He showed me where to cast and how to attract the fish. Eventually, I hooked it but it was much stronger than anything I had ever had on my line before. I expected __________ (have) a long and difficult fight and I was right!

Verb Patterns Task 1

Verb patterns, una ficha interactiva de ayuuv

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2020

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2020

Task 4

Sports, una ficha interactiva de robirimini

Task 5

5° 58, una ficha interactiva de barpagella

Task 3

In my bathroom, una ficha interactiva de victor

Task 2

Task 1


Summer holidays, una ficha interactiva de VarvaraAnna

Past simple listening


jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Second conditional

Second conditional, una ficha interactiva de traute

Third conditional

Third conditional, una ficha interactiva de traute

First conditional

First conditional, una ficha interactiva de traute

Zero conditional

There is and there are 2

there is there are, una ficha interactiva de lmanuel2

There is and there are 1